Sunday, November 12, 2006

World record

When Ann Atkin started collecting gnomes in 1979 she had about six gnomes and as she says 'it just grew from there.'

It sure did. She now runs The Gnome Reserve in Devon, one of the UK's more idiosyncratic tourist attractions where the world's largest collection of gnomes and pixies shares the four-acre grounds with wildflower garden.

'The Guinness people got in touch with us and asked us to do a headcount,' she says. 'There were 2032 of them then, although I think there must be a fair few more now. Not all of them are out at once, of course - but there are still enough to keep us busy.'

"The neighbours thought we were mad, but they've had time to get used to it now"

To help them acclimatise, visitors are given (optional) gnome hats to wear. With mine on, I just had to ask - what's the difference between a gnome and a pixie? 'Oh, that's an easy one, 'laughs Ann. 'Gnomes are as ancient as the hills and as young as a child in one go, while pixies are entirely young.'

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